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IP Address Detection
NT Service
IP Chat Engine

I provide this information in case somebody feels like building an alternative/better client (e.g. for the Mac). The IPchat protocol is fairly simple and all you need to build your own chat engine is a way of sending and receiving UDP datagrams via port #1499 and the following information:

IPchat datagrams consist of the following 4 blocks:



<header> Always the string DIP.
<senderIP> The IP address of the sender in brackets (the IP address is in dotted string format xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx); for example, if the sender's IP address is then this second block would equal [].
<code> 1 character command code (see table below).
<message> Any string terminated with the NULL character 0C (an empty message consists of the NULL character only).

The following table lists all the possible command codes, their meaning, the kind of message that follows them, and how the receiver is supposed to behave once the whole packet is received (note that all strings must be terminated with the NULL character 0C):

A meaning acknowledge HAIL
<message> sleep code of sender (i.e. "S" or "s")
receiver action optional feedback into chat output window
example DIP[]AS
B meaning BYE
<message> no message (i.e. only NULL character 0C)
receiver action remove sender from chat list
example DIP[]B
c meaning information about sender: comment field
<message> any string
receiver action show information about sender
example DIP[]cget DynamIP from http://www.bigfoot.com/~DynamIP/
D meaning distribute IP address of chat participant
<message> IP address in dotted string format
receiver action scan IP address and verify existence of IPchat client
example DIP[]D205.75.230.184
d meaning information about sender: local date/time
<message> date/time in the following format: dd-mm-yy hh:mm:ss
receiver action display information about sender
example DIP[]d23-03-97 14:48:31
e meaning information about sender: e-mail address
<message> e-mail address
receiver action display information about sender
example DIP[]eDynamIP@bigfoot.com
E meaning request e-mail address
<message> no message (i.e. only NULL character 0C)
receiver action return e-mail address
example DIP[]E
F meaning return e-mail address
<message> e-mail address
receiver action start e-mail client and create new message with appropriate recipient
example DIP[]FDynamIP@bigfoot.com
H meaning HAIL
<message> no message (i.e. only NULL character 0C)
receiver action notify user and return command "acknowledge HAIL"
example DIP[]H
h meaning information about sender: handle
<message> handle
receiver action display information about sender
example DIP[]hcmu
I meaning request info
<message> no message (i.e. only NULL character 0C)
receiver action return info about user to sender (handle, name, e-mail, URL, location, date/time, comment, version)
example DIP[]I
i meaning information about sender: URL
<message> no message (i.e. only NULL character 0C)
receiver action display information about sender
example DIP[]ihttp://www.bigfoot.com/~cmu/
l meaning information about sender: location
<message> location
receiver action display information about sender
example DIP[]lPalo Alto, CA
M meaning message
<message> any text
receiver action notify user and display text in chat output window; send command "acknowledge message" back to sender
example DIP[]Mhello
m meaning acknowledge message
<message> sleep code
receiver action notify user that message was delivered
example DIP[]ms
n meaning information about sender: name
<message> name
receiver action display information about sender
example DIP[]nChristoph Mueller
P meaning POLL
<message> first character of message is sleep code of sender (i.e. "S" or "s"); the rest of the message is the handle of the sender.
receiver action add sender to chat list and return command "acknowledge POLL"
example DIP[]Pscmu
p meaning acknowledge POLL
<message> first character of message is sleep code of sender (i.e. "S" or "s"); the rest of the message is the handle of the sender.
receiver action add sender to chat list
example DIP[]pscmu
S meaning sleep ON
<message> no message (i.e. only NULL character 0C)
receiver action update chat list (sender went into sleep mode)
example DIP[]S
s meaning sleep OFF
<message> no message (i.e. only NULL character 0C)
receiver action update chat list (sender woke up from sleep mode)
example DIP[]s
T meaning text
<message> any text
receiver action display text in chat output window
example DIP[]Thello
t meaning private text
<message> any text
receiver action display text in chat output window and make user aware of the fact that this text was sent as private text
example DIP[]thello
U meaning request URL
<message> no message (i.e. only NULL character 0C)
receiver action send command "acknowledge URL" to sender
example DIP[]U
u meaning acknowledge URL
<message> URL
receiver action load browser and display URL
example DIP[]uhttp://www.bigfoot.com/~cmu/
v meaning information about sender: version
<message> version string
receiver action display information about sender
example DIP[]vDynamIP v3.04
X meaning request NetMeeting
<message> NetMeeting SpeedDial (the *.cnf file)
receiver action load NetMeeting and call the sender; send back command "acknowledge NetMeeting request" or "NetMeeting error"
example DIP[]X<*.cnf file>
x meaning acknowledge NetMeeting request
<message> sleep code
receiver action notify user that request was delivered successfully
example DIP[]xs
y meaning NetMeeting error
<message> sleep code
receiver action notify user that request was delivered successfully but declined
example DIP[]ys

Last modified: March 30, 1999
OFFLINE visitors since May 1, 1998

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